Sunday, January 10, 2010

A visit to the 'BASH

"The 'Bash" is to Wabash as "Btown" is to Bloomington. Tim and Nathan decided to take the risk of visiting my hometown, having dinner with my family, having a night out on the town at the infamous Kettle, and ultimately spending the night in the household I grew up in.

After a few directional phone calls the boys made it just in time for dinner. The meal was typical to our family meals held here in the apartment except there was an added Nathan (my sister's boyfriend) for added confusion. True to their relationship with my father, when dinner and dessert were done, the boys took all available food to present to my dad in the living room.

We goofed around awhile longer (and may have accidentally made Hoppes wait two hours on us) before we hit the town. First, though, Nathan tried to make friends with Buddy. (Buddy was NOT pleased)

After playing a couple of practical jokes on Hoppes (they involved the use of the name Heiser-please see previous post) we finally rolled up to the Kettle... known by all and frequented by many in the quaint little town. We posted up next to the entrance, claimed a corner table and proceeded to play card games while being extremely loud and obnoxious. The boys used their famous line of "THERE SHE IS" to older, questionably classy, women walking in the door, just to sink down into their chairs when they saw the husbands following. Tim and Nathan received many strange looks (most of which I'm sure they didn't even notice because that is typical wherever they go) but I could have been 100% correct on a prediction that they would get those looks. The people of my hometown HATE when they don't know who someone is and their entire life's story. Overall it was a fabulous time of playing Kings and "taking the little man off the cup."

The Hangover, and I mean the movie--not a legitimate hangover, was awaiting us at home. So after a few hours of fun in town we were all anxious to get home. The Bears snuggies Nathan had just given Tim and myself for Christmas were pulled out of their boxes, everyone put on pj's, and Kari, my sis, Nathan, Tim, and I all found a spot in the basement to watch one of the all-time best movies. (Which neither of the boys had seen yet) About five minutes into the movie everyone was sound asleep, except for Kari who was CRACKING up!

Around 4:30am I woke up, looked around at all the sleeping bodies, and tried to get people to get up and go upstairs to go to bed. The only person who would hear of such an idea was my sister, who goes into zombie mode once she's been asleep, but will sometimes listen. We had two beds set up for the boys in my bedroom but since they weren't budging, I said the hell with it and slept in one of their beds. Tim is an odd man when he sleeps. You can literally mold him into any position and he will sleep like that comfortably for the rest of the night. The way his neck was positioned on the tiny loveseat he was sitting on made me hurt just looking at him.

Upon waking later in the morning I learned from my mother that she tried her best to be polite and not make any noise that would wake the boys (who she thought were asleep in my room) So she went out to the laundry room to blow dry her hair in the morning so that the dryer would not be running on the same end of the house they were sleeping on. She told me that she shut the blow dryer off, opened the laundry room door (which happens to be close to the entrance to the basement) and heard some loud snoring (Tiiiiimmmm). She thought that was pretty strange so she walked down a few steps to find the boys and Kari fast asleep in the basement....Tim still in the same awkward position.

When Nathan and Tim finally woke up, we had some breakfast and then some morning entertainment:

The window in our kitchen is perfect for their version of the elevator, stairs, escalator, boat rowing, and many more. The boys were determined to watch The Hangover so we wasted the late morning hours of Christmas Eve day replaying the movie.

The last event that would take place in Wabash during their visit was a hunting trip. They got all decked out in Nathan's hunting gear to go catch us some food for the next week. Every time Tim needed to get from one spot in the room to the next while getting ready he somersaulted to it...which caused my dad to laugh just a little. We packed them a sandwich and sent them on their way to the woods.

It was sad to see them go. The next time Tim and Nathan would visit Wabash would not be so much fun. But that story is saved for a future blog post.

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